Dental emergencies can happen at any time and in any place. They can even happen when you are on vacation or away from home. Some dental emergencies can be taken care of at home. However, other dental emergencies require immediate attention. Here are some common dental emergencies:
Knocked Out Tooth
A knocked-out tooth is a serious dental emergency that needs prompt attention. Find the tooth and rinse it gently in cool water, but avoid scrubbing or scraping the tooth surfaces. Do not touch the root of the tooth. If possible, replace the tooth in the socket and hold it there with a clean washcloth or gauze. If you can’t put the tooth back in the socket, store it in milk or saliva until you can seek professional dental care.
Knocked-out teeth have the highest survival rate when treated quickly, so don’t hesitate to call an emergency dentist as soon as possible after a tooth is knocked out. In the meantime, you can also apply a cold compress to the face to reduce swelling.
Broken Tooth
A broken tooth can happen in several ways. It can occur as a result of a fall or a sports injury, for example. An older adult who uses a walker to steady themselves may accidentally hit their mouth on the metal part of the walker and chip a tooth. A cracked tooth can also be the result of biting down on something hard, like a popcorn kernel.
Regardless of the cause, a broken or fractured tooth needs to be seen as soon as possible by a dentist. If left untreated, this can result in an infection inside the tooth and damage to the gums. In some cases, the tooth may be too damaged to save and must be extracted. In other cases, the dentist will repair the damage with a crown or a veneer.
The good news is that most broken teeth can be fixed with good results. Call your dentist right away if you have a broken tooth to prevent further damage and discomfort.
Dental Abscess
A dental abscess refers to an infection that occurs at the root of the tooth, inside the tooth’s inner chamber, known as the root canal system. When bacteria gets trapped and builds up inside the root canal system, it can cause severe pain and discomfort that requires a dental appointment right away. In fact, if you experience a severe toothache or pain when you bite down, you may have an abscessed tooth that needs professional dental treatment.
Loose or Dislodged Dental Filling
When a patient has a loose filling, they are at risk for decay and discomfort of the affected tooth. The dentist will first remove the filling and clean the affected tooth before placing a new filling. If a dislodged filling is not replaced in a timely manner, the tooth may become sensitive or infected and require more extensive treatment. The patient should be sure to see their dentist as soon as possible if they notice a problem with their fillings in order to avoid the serious consequences that can result from a dislodged filling.
Loose crowns often result from eating sticky foods or from teeth grinding. If a crown comes loose, the patient’s bite may be affected, as well as the appearance of the smile. An emergency dentist can help patients determine if their crown needs to be re-cemented or if they may benefit from a replacement crown. Replacing the crown is important if the tooth is subject to decay or if the structure of the mouth has changed since the original installation.
Patients experiencing a toothache that requires emergency dental care should call their family dentist immediately to schedule an appointment. Even if a patient is experiencing a painful or serious toothache over the weekend or after hours, they should seek immediate care with an emergency dentist. Symptoms such as a fever, facial swelling, or a discharge from the gums may indicate a serious infection requiring immediate attention.
Cracked or Broken Jaw
If you suffer a broken jaw, you should seek immediate medical attention. A broken jaw can result in facial and oral pain, the inability to close your jaw, and even difficulty breathing. If the fracture is severe, your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon for a more in-depth evaluation to determine the proper treatment for your injury. If your injury is not too severe, you may simply need a surgical wire attached to realign and repair your jaw. This can usually be done under local anesthesia in your doctor’s office.
To learn more, book your appointment today by giving us a call at (669) 327-5623 or visit Impressions Dentistry at 1325 1st Street, Gilroy, CA 95020.